Industry, energy and Technology Minister Andrew Parsons announced slightly more than $92,000 for SucSeed from the Business Growth Program.
A Newfoundland and Labrador social enterprise with a mission to grow more local produce is getting a financial boost from government to help with marketing costs. Industry, energy and Technology Minister Andrew Parsons announced slightly more than $92,000 for SucSeed from the Business Growth Program. He says the company brings hydroponic gardens into classrooms, homes and communities to encourage a simple, easy and environmentally sustainable practice. Parsons says there are currently more than 2,500 SucSeed gardens in classrooms across Canada. The company was conceived from a student-led volunteer project out of the Memorial University chapter of Enactus. Since winning the Enactus World Cup in 2016, founders Emily Bland and Andrea Peet evolved the project into a successful business generating over $1.5 million in revenue to date.