Tammy Priddle is the President and CEO of the airport. She says they ended 2024 with 11 percent more passengers than in 2023 and that’s actually 2 percent better than pre-pandemic levels.
The Deer Lake Regional Airport Authority Board of Directors launched their Strategic Plan 2025-2029 with a community session last night in the town. This new plan outlines a refreshed, bold and focused effort to grow business, transform culture, enhance and grow partnerships, and offers opportunities to achieve organizational excellence. Tammy Priddle is the President and CEO of the airport. She says they ended 2024 with 11 percent more passengers than in 2023 and that’s actually 2 percent better than pre-pandemic levels. Priddle says one of the goals in the plan is to expand services and partnerships, including the local indigenous community. She says another goal around strengthening services and partnerships is with people with disabilities. The new Strategic Plan can be seen at deerlake.com