Gerry Byrne, the Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture announced new measures to remove barriers when applying for, or securing property title to, Crown lands.
Changes are coming that will better support those with lands that were acquired through what’s commonly known as “Squatters rights.” Gerry Byrne, the Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture announced new measures to remove barriers when applying for, or securing property title to, Crown lands. Also included will be a new policy that enables government to relinquish its right to Crown lands, and a modernized, mobile-friendly online portal that will improve the application process. Byrne says under the Primary Residence Program, people will now save money. Seniors will pay nothing and those making up to up to $25K a year will pay 5 percent, and the rest is based on income and a sliding scale. Byrne says these measures aim to lessen some of the emotional and financial burdens. Legislative amendments are planned for the fall sitting of the House of Assembly.