RCMP NL wearing body cameras starting today

    Monday, 18 November 2024 07:00

    By Tonya Organ

    The goal is to have all RCMP frontline police officers equipped with body-worn cameras by the end of June, 2025.

    Starting today some RCMP officers on the east coast of NL will be wearing body cameras. These cameras will be complemented by a digital evidence management system that will be used to store and manage body-worn video. The video evidence collected will provide an independent, unbiased, and objective way to capture interactions between the community and police officers. It will also help resolve public complaints more quickly, and improve evidence gathering. Assistant Commissioner Pat Cahill, Commanding Officer of RCMP N, says “this is a welcomed modernized approach to gathering additional evidence of crime, promoting accountability of our police officers and increasing transparency and public trust.” The goal is to have all RCMP frontline police officers equipped with body-worn cameras by the end of June, 2025.


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