Mark Strickland is from Corner Brook and has his own story about addiction. He is with the group, “Recovering Out Loud NL, ” with the goal to help people navigate recovery and find resources.
In 2018, the government of Canada did a study that found one in five Canadians are addicted by a substance of some sort. However, there are many warning signs that someone is becoming addicted. On Bayfm’s the Plain Truth,, with host Sara Parsons, the topic was around mental health and addictions. Parsons says addiction is the most human thing with underlying issues. Her guest for the show was Mark Strickland, who is from Corner Brook and has his own story about addiction. He is with the group, “Recovering Out Loud NL, ” with the goal to help people navigate recovery and find resources. Strickland says there are many ways to tell if someone is becoming an addict, such as increased tolerance, using substances to cope or self medicate, ,increased frequency of use, denial of the problem, making excuses, risky behaviours, and isolation.
Opposition leader Tony Wakeham is wondering why, after ten years, there is no commitment or timeline regarding the opening of the cancer unit at the new hospital in Corner Brook.
Although President Trump has paused the tariffs, the Greater Corner Brook Board of Trade is concerned about this tough economic time that lies ahead. President Ray Brake says the board is there to support business members
The first chartered meeting of the Fisheries seafood Roundtable yesterday morning was directly focused on U.S imposed tariffs. Byrne says the meeting went very well, given the tensions related to consequences of the tariffs.
Febuary in this province is considered Violence Prevention Month. This week's guest is Allison Caines, Violence Prevention Coordinator with the Corner Brook Status of Women's Council.