Once complete, the Intergenerational Program Guide will highlight the benefits of encouraging deliberate and meaningful intergenerational interaction for individuals and groups working with seniors and/or youth, and provide ideas and resources to support such activities.
Government has launched an engagement process to inform the development of an Intergenerational Program Guide to encourage and support positive and meaningful interactions between younger and older generations. Children, Seniors and Social Development Minister Paul Pike says “government is committed to supporting intergenerational initiatives that bring children, youth and seniors together to encourage the sharing of skills, knowledge and experiences that foster understanding and respect.” This engagement process will provide individuals and community stakeholders with an opportunity to share their insights and perspectives to help inform development of the guide. Once complete, the Intergenerational Program Guide will highlight the benefits of encouraging deliberate and meaningful intergenerational interaction for individuals and groups working with seniors and/or youth, and provide ideas and resources to support such activities. For more information and to participate in the engagement process, please visit engageNL.ca or email aging-and-seniors@gov.nl.ca. You can also call 709-729-1382. The engagement process will close on February 29, 2024.