The city is in the planning stages for what is called the Deep Gulch project. Mayor Jim Parsons says it’s in an area where the brook crosses at the bottom of University Drive and down around O’Connell Drive.
There are a few major projects in Corner Brook that are either wrapping up soon, in the planning stages, or will be completed next year. The new Corner Brook Recreation Centre is coming along quite nicely, according to Mayor Jim Parsons. The $24.7 million facility is cost shared between three levels of government. Parsons says most of the work being done now is inside work and the goal is to open next fall. Meanwhile, the city is in the planning stages for what is called the Deep Gulch project. Mayor Jim Parsons says it’s in an area where the brook crosses at the bottom of University Drive and down around O’Connell Drive. He says there’s also a big project in the Curling area with the replacement of a retaining wall. Parsons says this year’s paving project is complete but employees will continue to work on potholes and issues that come up.