A Department of National Defense rifle range in Burgeo is approved for remediation work

    Friday, 23 February 2024 12:00

    By Tonya Organ

    The Department of Environment and Climate Change requires that a Water Resource Management Plan be submitted for review and approval prior to project commencement. I

    A rifle range in Burgeo owned by the Department of National Defense is getting some remediation work but the proponent will have to uphold commitments made in the environmental assessment process. The Department of Environment and Climate Change requires that a Water Resource Management Plan be submitted for review and approval prior to project commencement. It must include sediment and siltation control approaches, installation of settling ponds, an onsite water treatment facility and a water quality monitoring plan. Also, the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture requires the protection of the Short-eared Owl before the project commences and must be conducted by a qualified independent third party. If a nesting owl is suspected or detected, an 800-metre no-disturbance buffer will be required until August 15 or all young have fledged.

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